SignUpGenius links

 Help is needed for snacks, chains, food pick-up ect. click on date:

Our end of season banquet will take place on Monday, December 4th at 6pm at La Cantina.  Due to limited space, we will be starting with senior sign-ups first.  An email went out earlier this week to seniors for registration – please sign up as soon as possible so we can get an idea of the numbers.
We have 2 major events coming up at the end of the season and we need to start planning now!  We have the Thanksgiving Day game at HOME w/our senior recognition ceremony and our end of season banquet.  We need volunteers to do small, time-limited jobs for each of these events.  Please sign up where you can:

We have the Thanksgiving Day game at HOME w/our senior recognition ceremony and our end of season banquet.  We need volunteers to do small, time-limited jobs for each of these events.